
Home > Guide to Factory Installation Procedures > Act concerning Sediment Disasters Prevention Measures promotion in Sediment Disasters Planning Area, etc. (Sediment Disasters Prevention Act) Profiles

Guide to Factory Installation Procedures

Act concerning Sediment Disasters Prevention Measures promotion in Sediment Disasters Planning Area, etc. (Sediment Disasters Prevention Act)

Followings are applicable when procedures based on laws or ordinances, etc. are required.
Name of laws and regulations Act concerning Sediment Disasters Prevention Measures promotion in Sediment Disasters Planning Area, etc. (Sediment Disasters Prevention Act)
(The timing of procedures)
At any time.
(Procedure Targets)
Those who intend to do following acts in the sediment disasters planning areas.

・Development acts to construct housing (excluding for private housing) and social welfare facilities for elderly, handicapped, or other persons special consideration is required for disasters prevention, school and medical facilities.
・Specific Development Activities Permission Application
・Planning Explanations
・Development Location drawing (a scale of 1:50,000 or larger)
・Development Area drawing (a scale of 1: 2,500 or larger)
・Current land shape Drawing ( a scale of 1:2,500 or larger)
・Land Use Planning Drawing ( a scale of 1:1,000 or larger)
・Land Development Planning Plane Drawing (a scale of 1:1,000 or larger)
・Land Development Planning Sectional Drawing (a scale of 1:1,000 or larger)
・Countermeasure Construction etc. Plane Drawing (a scale of 1:1,000 or larger)
・Countermeasure Construction etc. Sectional Drawing (a scale of 1:1,000 or larger)
・Countermeasure Facility Structural Drawing (a scale of 1:200 or large)
・Countermeasure Facility Structural Calculations
<Some of the above documents may not be required depends on the contents of applications.>
For further details please inquire to 「Contact for Inquiries」.
(Procedure Office)
Civil Engineering Office which controlling the sediment disasters special warning area
(Via Civil Engineering Office to Tochigi Prefecture Prefectural Land Development Department Erosion Control Water Resource Section.)
(Examination Contents)
To examine the countermeasures to prevent the sediment disasters for the specific planned buildings from the stand point of securing safety.
Flow of Procedures
Processing Period Approximately 6 weeks.
Contact for Inquiries Tochigi Prefecture Department of Industry, Labor and Tourism, International Section 
TEL: 028-623-2194 
FAX: 028-623-2199

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