
Home >  Guide to Factory Installation Procedures > Act Concerning Natural Environment Preservation and Greening Profiles

Guide to Factory Installation Procedures

Act Concerning Natural Environment Preservation and Greening

Followings are applicable when procedures based on laws or ordinances, etc. are required.
Name of laws and regulations Act Concerning Natural Environment Preservation and Greening
(The timing of procedures)
Prior to the commencement of specific works concerning factory installation.
(Procedure Targets)
Those who install structures, etc. within prefectural natural environment conservation areas (special and normal areas), and prefectural green-space environment conservation areas.
・Acts within prefectural natural environment conservation areas, special areas: Permission application

・       〃     , normal areas: Notification

・Acts within prefectural green-space environment conservation areas: Notification
Within prefectural natural environment conservation areas, special areas
Tochigi Prefecture Natural Environment Conservation Area Acts in Special Area Permission Application
Within prefectural natural environment conservation areas, normal areas
Tochigi Prefecture Natural Environment Conservation Area Acts in General Area Notification
Within prefectural green-space environment conservation areas
Tochigi Prefecture Green Space Environment Conservation Area Acts Notification
(Procedure Office)
Municipality which controls the place of acts.(in Moka, Prefectural East Environment Forestry Office)
(Examination Contents)
Whether to comply with the criteria of the permission, or acts are likely to cause risks for the conservation of the natural environment.
Flow of Procedures
Processing Period Approximately within 1 month
Contact for Inquiries Tochigi Prefecture Department of Industry, Labor and Tourism, International Section 
TEL: 028-623-2194 
FAX: 028-623-2199

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