
Home >Guide to Factory Installation Procedures

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Purpose of This Website and How To Use.

When making new business development or intend to establish into Tochigi Prefecture, various procedures are required in accordance with the rows and regulations for the use of the land, etc., and it is one of the issues to streamline those procedures for the promotion of industrial establishment.
In this website, those procedures related with Tochigi Prefecture and its municipalities are comprehensively introduced. It would be grateful if this site can be a help when you are going to set up factories, etc.

For further details of the procedures, please contact directly to the specific responsible section in Tochigi Prefecture.

Please note that this website contains major required procedures for factory installations involved with the prefectural or municipal governments. Those procedures needed to be submitted directly to the state government or tax related procedures are not listed.

How To Use

The recommended procedures are as follows.
1.To find out the laws and regulations to be subjected from the list of procedures,.
2.To download an application forms.
3.To fill-in required contents on the application form downloaded.
4.To mail your questions or a draft of your application.

List of Procedures

Laws and Regulations
National Land Use Planning Act     
Advance Guidelines Concerning Land Use     
Advance Guidelines Concerning Construction of Large Sized Buildings     
Fire Service Act   
Environmental Impact Assessments Act  
・ Forest Act ( Submission of AcquisitionSubmission of FellingPermission of Development Acts     
Advanced Guidelines for Antipollution of Newly Located Operations    
Air Pollution Control Act     
Water Pollution Control Act     
Soil Pollution Control Act    
Act on Special Measures Concerning Dioxins     
Tochigi Prefecture Act Concerning Living Environment Preservations (Specific Facilities)     
Tochigi Prefecture Act Concerning Living Environment Preservations (Specific Pump-up Facilities)     
Tochigi Prefecture Guidelines Concerning Instructions of Ground Water Facilities     
Noise Regulation Act   
Vibration Regulation Act   
Septic Tanks Act     
Natural Park Act    
Tochigi Prefectural Natural Park Act    
Act Concerning Natural Environment Preservation and Greening    
Act Concerning Game Reservation and Improvement of Hunting    
Tochigi Prefecture Act Concerning Prevention of Soil Pollutions and Disasters by Landfill, etc. of Sand, etc.     
Act Concerning Waste Management and Public Cleaning    
Food Sanitation Act, Tochigi Prefecture Food Sanitation Act     
Waterworks Act     
Tochigi Prefecture Small-sized Waterworks Act     
Pharmaceutical Affairs Act   
Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Act   
Factory Location Act   
High Pressure Gas Safety Act    
Agricultural Land Act     
Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, Veterinary Medicine, etc. Regulations   
Act Concerning Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feeds   
Act Concerning Dairy and Beef Cattle Production Promotion   
Road Act     
River Act    
Act Concerning Control etc. of Erosion Control Designated Areas(Erosion Control Act)    
Act Concerning Prevention of Disasters Caused by Steep Slope Collapse    
Landslide etc. Prevention Act    
Sediment Disasters Prevention Act     
City Planning Act    
City Planning Act, Article 53.    
Land Readjustment Act, Article 76.    
Tochigi Prefecture Landscape Act    
Tochigi Prefecture Outdoor Advertising Object Act    
Sewage Act    
Building Standards Act    
Cultural Properties Protection Act    
Road Traffic Act     
Outside Statutory Public Property Control Act, etc.