
Home > List of Industrial Parks in Tochigi

Industrial Parks in Tochigi

No. Name of Parks Name of Municipalities Property Agents Total Area(ha)
1 Utsunomiya Industrial Park Utsunomiya Utsunomiya Urban Development Association 304.1
2 Mizuhono Industrial Park Utsunomiya Utsunomiya City Land Development Corporation 30.2
3 Utsunomiya Kiyohara Industrial Park Utsunomiya Utsunomiya Urban Development Association 387.7
4 Mikuriya Industrial Park Ashikaga Ashikaga Urban Development Association 48.6
5 Otsuki, Sukedo Industrial Park Ashikaga Ashikaga Urban Development Association 34.2
6 Kubota Industrial Park Ashikaga Ashikaga Urban Development Association 13.8
7 Yasaka Industrial Park Ashikaga Ashikaga Urban Development Association 8.3
8 Hakari Industrial Park Ashikaga Ashikaga Urban Development Association 10.7
9 Arakane Industrial Park Ashikaga Ashikaga Urban Development Association 10.4
10 Kabasaki Industrial Park Ashikaga Ashikaga City Land Development Corporation 8.0
11 Yasaka No.2 Industrial Park Ashikaga Tochigi Prefecture Enterprise Bureau 23.3
12 Keno Tobu Industrial Park Ashikaga Tochigi Prefecture Enterprise Bureau 14.4
13 Agata Industrial Park Ashikaga Ashikaga City 6.5
14 Daikoji Industrial Park Tochigi Tochigi City Land Development Corporation 15.3
15 Tochigi City Small & Medium Sized Enterprises Industrial Park Tochigi The Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency 0.9
16 Sano Industrial Park Sano Urban Renaissance Agency 111.9
17 Haneda Industrial Park Sano Tochigi Prefecture Enterprise Bureau 26.0
18 Tanuma Industrial Park Sano Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 26.5
19 Kanuma Industrial Park Kanuma Urban Renaissance Agency 132.5
20 Kanuma Mokko Park Kanuma Kanuma City Land Development Corporation 36.1
21 Kanuma Asahidai Industrial Park Kanuma Kanuma City Land Development Corporation 3.1
22 Oyama Industrial Park Oyama Oyama Urban Development Corporation 165.4
23 Oyama No.2 Industrial Park Oyama Oyama Urban Development Corporation 49.6
24 Oyama No.3 Industrial Park Oyama Oyama Urban Development Corporation 31.2
25 Oyama Tojo Industrial Park Oyama Oyama Urban Development Corporation 7.0
26 Oyama City Yana Industrial Park Oyama Suzuki Construction Development Co., Ltd. 12.5
27 Moka No.1 Industrial Park Moka The Japan Housing Corporation 175.4
28 Moka No.2 Industrial Park Moka The Japan Housing Corporation 130.9
29 Moka No.3 Industrial Park Moka Moka City Land Development Corporation 14.4
30 Nozaki Industrial Park Otawara Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 98.4
31 Nozaki No.2 Industrial Park Otawara Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 70.0
32 Yaita Industrial Park Yaita Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 44.7
33 Shimo-atsusaki Industrial Park Nasushiobara Nasushiobara City 7.0
34 Kamigoya Industrial Park Nasushiobara Nasushiobara City 7.3
35 Akada Industrial Park Nasushiobara Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 15.4
36 Yonku Industrial Park Nasushiobara Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 20.4
37 Iguchi Industrial Park Nasushiobara Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 50.0
38 Sekiya Industrial Park Nasushiobara Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 34.1
39 Kitsuregawa Industrial Park Sakura Fujita Corporation 225.3
40 Fujimidai Industrial Park Nasukarasuyama Nasukarasuyama City 26.3
41 Karasuyama Higashi Industrial Park Nasukarasuyama The Environmental Restoration & Conservation Agency 3.7
42 Nishitsuboyama Industrial Park Shimotsuke Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 40.8
43 Ishibashi No.1 Industrial Park Shimotsuke Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 8.7
44 Ishibashi No.2 Industrial Park Shimotsuke Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 11.7
45 Ishibashi No.3 Industrial Park Shimotsuke Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 29.1
46 Shiba Industrial Park Shimotsuke Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 20.7
47 Kaminokawa Industrial Park Kaminokawa The Environmental Restoration & Conservation Agency 9.3
48 Kawachi Industrial Park Utsunomiya Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 34.4
49 Shirasawa Industrial Park Utsunomiya The Environmental Restoration & Conservation Agency 5.1
50 Hoshinomiya Industrial Park Mashiko Mashiko Town 4.8
51 Motegi Shimodaira Industrial Park Motegi- Motegi Town 9.1
52 Akabane Industrial Park Ichikai- Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 28.1
53 Akabane Seibu Industrial Park Ichikai Tochigi Prefecture Enterprise Bureau 8.7
54 Haga Industrial Park Haga Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 248.4
55 Haga Takanezawa Industrial Park Haga,Takanezawa Tochigi Prefecture Enterprise Bureau 226.4
56 Omocha Danchi Mibu Omocha Danchi Corporative Association 51.4
57 Nogi Industrial Park Nogi Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 37.8
58 Tobu Techno Park Nogi Industrial Park Nogi, Sano Tobu Railway Co., Ltd. 46.6
59 Ohira Industrial Park Tochigi Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 122.2
60 Ohira Mizuho Enterprises Park Tochigi The Environmental Restoration & Conservation Agency 11.9
61 Nishimaehara Industrial Park Tochigi Tochigi City 11.2
62 Iwafune Industrial Park Iwafune Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 12.1
63 Shioya Industrial Park Shioya Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 27.0
64 Isabe Industrial Park Takanezawa Tochigi Prefecture Enterprise Bureau 25.8
65 Myojindaira Industrial Park Nakagawa Nakagawa Town 3.3
66 Shimo-atsusaki No.2 Industrial Park Nasushiobara Nasushiobara City 4.2
67 Shinagawadai Industrial Park Otawara Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 84.2
68 Arajukudaira Industrial Park Nakagawa Nakagawa Town 6.2
69 Yaita Minami Industrial Park Yaita Tochigi Prefecture Enterprise Bureau 77.6
70 Dainikko (Todoroku) Industrial Park Nikko Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 19.5
71 Kanuma Takeshi Industrial Park Kanuma Kanuma City Land Development Corporation 11.7
72 Soft Research Park Joho-No-Mori Tochigi Takanezawa Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 23.7
73 Utsunomiya Nishi Chukaku Industrial Park Nishikata The Organization for Small & Medium Sized Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 142.7
74 Soja Higashi Industrial Park Tochigi, Mibu Tochigi Prefecture Enterprise Bureau 21.8
75 Techno Park Kaminokawa (Tako-Minamihara Industrial Park) Kaminokawa Urban Renaissance Agency 31.7
76 Moka No.4 Industrial Park Moka Moka City 42.7
77 Oyama Tobu Industrial Park Oyama Tochigi Prefecture Enterprise Bureau 25.9
78 Oyama Minami Industrial Park Oyama Oyama City Land Development Corporation 9.1
79 Shimotsuboyama Industrial Park Oyama Suzuki Construction Development Co., Ltd. 13.9
80 Motegi Constructor's Village Motegi Motegi Town 4.9
81 Sano New City (Mikamodai Industrial Park) Sano Urban Renaissance Agency 30.0
82 Sano New City (Sano Interchange Industrial Park) Sano Urban Renaissance Agency 18.0
83 Sano New City (Southern Cross Sano) Sano Urban Renaissance Agency 42.0
84 Interpark Utsunomiya Minami Utsunomiya, Kaminokawa Urban Renaissance Agency 137.5
85 Owada Industrial Park Moka Tochigi Prefecture Enterprise Bureau 32.9
86 Ashikaga Interchange Business Park Ashikaga The Organization for Small & Medium Sized Enterprises and Regional Innovation 20.3
87 Nishi Kubota Industrial Park Ashikaga Tochigi Prefecture Enterprise Bureau 13.1
88 Moka No.5 Industrial Park Moka Moka City, Tochigi Prefecture Enterprise Bureau 91.2
90 Nakadawara Industrial Park Otawara Land Development Public Corporation of Tochigi Prefecture 33.4
91 Utsunomiya Technopolis Center Utsunomiya Urban Renaissance Agency 177.2
92 Greentown Oyama Minami Oyama Urban Renaissance Agency 52.6
93 Minagawajonai Industrial Park Tochigi Tochigi City Land Development Corporation 48.2
94 Oyama Higashi Industrial Park Oyama Oyama City Land Development Corporation 15.8
95 Nakane Industrial Park Tochigi Tochigi City 5.8
96 Sangyo Miraikichi Tochigi Chuo (Mibu Hanyuda Industrial park) Mibu Tochigi Prefecture Enterprise Bureau 86.5

(As of April 1, 2010)

−Tochigi Prefecture Department of Industry, Labor and Tourism, Industrial Policy Section, Industrial Location Group−
〒321-8501 1-1-20 Hanawada Utsunomiya City  TEL:028-623-3202 FAX:028-623-3167

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